"I believe God was speaking to me when I injured my shoulder"

I almost didn't run cross country... All of middle school I was encouraged to run xc. First of all, I didn't know what xc was or what it standed for. Second, I was a swimmer. The summer before my freshman year, I was doing fly and severely injured my shoulder. I wasn't able to swim state and thought I would be out of swimming for awhile. I decided to take a break and try cross country. At first running was very tough. Believe me, I don't have the magical story where running came naturally to me and I was immediately the best. With the encouragement of my teammates and coaches, I became determined and worked hard to improve and become a better runner, also a more confident and passionate person. Throughout the season I fell in love with the sport, team, and the passion to keep pushing myself. As a freshman I ended up having one of the top 3 times and running at state. I believe God was speaking to me when I injured my shoulder because I wouldn't have found myself, a determined, passionate runner.

- @ohbygolly_molly ( Molly E )