
My Worst Race

My Worst Race

My worst race started out to be my best. It was called the Western Kentucky Meet of Champions. I was so ready to run this race but I was worried. I was worried because I hadn’t ate the night before or that morning. I never eat the morning of the race until after I run. It always works out for me. But since I hadn’t eaten since lunch the day before, I was scared. I talked to my coach to see if I should eat something. He made me eat a banana he had packed. I ate about half of it and got full and didn’t wanna eat too much so I threw it away. I told my coach I ate it all so he would let me run.

I got on the line and was so scared of what was going to happen in this race. I started out real fast (which happens in most of my races but this race started out faster than normal for my whole team). Before this race, I made a bet with head coach Meserve and assistant Coach P that my time would be in the 23’s which would be a big improvement for me. My pace was really good and my coach was determined that I was going to be in the 22’s if I kept going. Then I was about at the 2 mile so over halfway done and started to feel sick. I decided to keep going. Then I just threw up on the side of the course. As my teammate Bailee passed by, I told her that if she saw my coach to tell him that I got sick. Right as I got back on the course to finish the race (because I hate quitting), I met my coach on the side. He made me stop and tell him what happened. By that time, he knew I didn’t actually eat anything for breakfast and that I threw away the banana in the trash can. He was angry. He made me go get a drink and something to eat. I couldn’t find my parents so he gave me money (my coach is a very close family friend). I was crying because he wouldn’t let me finish the race. I don’t normally get mad at my coach but that made me mad to the point that I was crying. 

After the girls got done, he talked to us as a team, and then talked to me seperatley. As soon as he started talking, I just started balling. I told him how angry I was that he didn’t let me finish. He said that if i would have ate, then I would’ve been able to continue the race. I was crying. He told me that I should eat the night before and we wouldn’t be angry at each other. I didn’t understand why he was so angry at me so I asked. He said it was because I lied to him about eating. He knows I don’t eat a ton like I should but he was right, I should have eaten the night before and not lie to him. 

The only good thing about the day was that we got first as a team and we got to see our old coach (who got fired). 

Everybody has a bad race every once in a while. My worst race wasn’t the best but I’m used to that sort of stuff happening to me. It happens in practice almost every practice. 

The moral of the story is to always at least eat the night before the race if not the morning before. If you dont, now you know what could happen.

- Anonymous