What XC has taught me

I started running cross my 8th grade year to spend more time with two of my friends. These two friends both quit shortly after. Only one of my friends came back for our sophomore year in high school. I did not quit, and between the countless miles spent making new friends and laughing with old ones, the pain of hilly days, the rush of adrenaline you get before a race or a hard repeat of a workout, the feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes from getting a PR or doing something you didn't think you could, a runners high, and the feeling of not only having teammates but a second family, I fell in love with cross country. Now I'm running for my bittersweet senior year in high school. I am absolutely addicted to running, not only cross country but road races and half marathon as well. Throughout all of my years running I couldn't have asked for a better team and coaching staff that not only pushed me to become more dedicated and work harder do my best, but made me a better runner and person as I feel in love with the sport. Running cross country has taught meany valuable lesson from working hard to dedication to never giving up. Now I'm a runner for life.

- @bertholf_kayla   ( Kayla Bertholf )