
My hardest goodbye.

My hardest goodbye.

Disclaimer; this isn’t your typical running story, bc it’s not really about distance running.

I joined the track team in middle school, then joined cross country that fall. But I absolutely hated running. I kept with it because it gave me something to do, then as soon as I started high school, I picked up a pole vault pole and fell in love, but I quickly stopped due to distance running.

I picked it back up during my sophomore year and I was hooked. This turned into my outlet, my safe space. I had my three teammates and my coach who only wanted to best for me. Practice would be the best part of my day since I was surrounded by nothing but positivity and people who actually cared about me. When I first started, I was terrible. But I stick with it, and I finished with 4 all-state finishes in my four trips to the state meets.

Pole vault can be one of the most frustrating things because everything has to be right. But as soon as you feel what it’s like to fly in the air, you’re addicted. This sport has seen the highest of highs for me, and the lowest of lows, but it’s made me the happiest version of myself. My teammates pushed me to be better, and my coaches wanted the best for me. The three years I spend jumping were the happiest and hardest three years of my life. I saw seasons where I couldn’t even jump my PR, and I saw seasons where I improved by a foot and half. I learned what it really means to dedication and work hard, because some days we would be on the track long after the runners left. I can’t put into words how much I love this sport, and how it changed me for the better.

There’s may be something off about people who are willing to throw themselves into the air with the help of a pole, but they’re the best kind of people, my kind of people. My three teammates became my family, they became the people I would turn too if I had a bad day, or just needed someone to talk too. They became my three best friends. I’m gonna miss the bus rides where we would laugh endlessly, the meets where I would get the biggest hugs for the best jumps, the play fights at practice, and the days where we would laugh to the point where none of us could stop. Not only would we spend two and half hours together at practice everyday, we spent so much time with each other off the track. From dinner after practice to swimming on the weekends. We were always together. They were able so snap me out of my worst moods, and make me laugh on days when I didn’t even wanna smile. I could let go around them. They made 5:30 am weightlifting sessions fun, which is a tough task. No matter how bad my days would be, I was always so excited to go to practice, it was a place where I could be myself and nobody judged me. If it wasn’t for this sport, I wouldn’t have these friends and I wouldn’t know where I would be without them. I can’t put into words how much they mean to me, and how they’ve changed my life for the better.

I graduated in May, and competed in my last meet in June. And I’m about to say goodbye to my three best friends since I’m going to college. These people absolutely changed my life, and it’s gonna be so hard to be without them everyday. They were with me through my all highs and lows, and supported me through it all, if it wasn’t for track and field, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. This is the hardest goodbye I’ve ever had to say, since this was the most important thing in my life, and introduced me to the best people I’ve ever met. I’m so sad that this chapter of my life is over, but I’m so grateful it happened. Pole vault and my teammates, I’m forever grateful for you.

- Anonymous